Tempering section

The correct temperature of mould before the deposition of chocolate is paramount for the production of high quality moulded products, either for plain chocolate products or filled moulded products.

Lekos offers:

  • Vertical tempering cabinets, where individual tempering zones can be divided by passage which serves operators and mechanisms to get comfortably into the inner space of line
  • Horizontal tempering tunnels
  • Designed total time inside a tempering section is long enough to work with operational air temperature which is close to required temperature of moulds
  • Additional infra-red heating station after exiting tempering section helps to reach the constant mould surface temperature and to melt possible chocolate leftovers, which are subsequently wiped out by following cleaning roller
  • Design of frame and doors usually allows full access into any part of tempering section

Lekos adapts and installs tempering cabinets or tempering tunnels also for existing lines from various producers, of various mould sizes and capacities.



Lekos, s.r.o. Trebišov

  • Kollárova 455
  • 078 01 Sečovce
  • Slovak Republic